Saturday, February 28, 2015

Posturing - Februay 28

My brother, Ryan, and I are going to be doing some daily devotions together and we'd like to open up the conversation to anyone else that wants to read or input into the discussion. 

We see it through the history of the Bible that the scriptures were never intended entirely for personal use; the scriptures were always read out loud in a group of people so that discussion (and digestion) of the Word could feed the multitudes.  I'm sure there are many people, myself included, that find, at times, devotional life to be devoid of taste and smell.  The simple act of reading the Bible feels like the inevitable act of feeding oneself at least a couple of times each day.  Without taste, we sometimes sense the scriptures as if they were flatbread and cheese, not a three course meal.

That's how I'd like to treat these devotions: as a three course meal.  Appetizer, main course and dessert - Scripture, thought (discussion) and prayer.  If I write the devotion, Ryan may have more to say on it, or he may take the next day.  If you want to respond in anyway, please do so. 

The scriptures were meant to be read and heard.  Faith comes through hearing.

We'll start with the Psalms which make the easiest start, I think.  We find so many different emotions stirring in the writers of the Psalms and in those emotions we can find our daily life.  God bless you on the reading.  God bless us all on the writing!

Psalm 1:1 (NIV translation - we can, and will, use others.  We aren't beholden to any in particular, but we might shy away from KJV most of the time)

Blessed is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
(Take a few moments to read through the scripture, to taste it - begin to digest how the book begins...  Memorize it, if you are able.)
Posture:  It is drilled into us at an early age.  Good posture changes everything from health, to pain relief to self-confidence.  But posture takes a lot of work, thought and dedication. 
Bad posture, on the other hand, is quite easy - slouching and hunching.  For our spiritual bodies, it is easier to practice bad posture also.  How often do I walk to the whisper of the wicked?  How often do I crucify my conscience in order to stand the way everyone else does so that I can be 'normal'?  How often do I not say anything, or sit pat while I, or others, tear down?
My blessing remains unclaimed by bad posture: physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Perhaps the place that I am slouch most is the last one.  Sitting has always been easy for me and the visual of 'sitting in the seat of mockers' carries with it a chance to judge others, to make disparaging remarks about their appearance, their work or their life choices, reminds me that the seat of mockers is always a fake throne.  There is nothing regal about the seat, only that the seat itself is gilded with self-righteousness and a false sense of self-worth.  To be surrounded by mockers only leads down a false path of religious expectation.
But blessed is the one who has a posture which encourages a walk with those whose counsel lead us down paths for his name's sake.  Who are these people in your life?  What do those paths look like?
Blessed is the one stands in the way of sinners, who discourages the sin and does not give in to the temptation to divorce one's spiritual self from holy living.  But also blessed is the one who does not stand (copy) the self-aggrandizing posture of those who sin because they believe that God will not punish anymore.  How does this 'stand' play out in your life?
Blessed is the one who doesn't sit on the seat of mockers, who doesn't sarcastically pass judgment on any and all who pass by the seat.  Have you ever felt mocked?  What was that experience like?  Have you ever sat in the seat yourself?  Was it fulfilling? 
I pray that we all have good posture today. 
Prayer:  God of light, guard my posture - keep me upright, walking tall and humble standing firm in faith and sitting with those who need you and me.  Amen

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